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File List  |  1993-03-31  |  19KB  |  275 lines

  1. 3BALLJUG.ZIP  198,449   1-26-93  3 Ball Juggler, Fast Animation with Hi-
  2.                                  reselution Graphics of 3 ball Juggling
  3. ASSIST30.ZIP  128,348   1-23-93  Shopper Assistant, Menu Driven Shopping
  4.                                  Data for up to 5 Stores
  5. AUTOMATE.ZIP  154,236   1-26-93  AutoMate, Control your House with your PC
  6.                                  Lights, Temerature, Alarm etc
  7. AVPLAN30.ZIP  239,215   1-26-93  AVPlan, Provide Basic Inforamtion for
  8.                                  pilots in their flight planning
  9. BABYSITR.ZIP   99,153   1-26-93  The BabaySitter, all parents whenever
  10.                                  you leave your children with BabySitter
  11. BALLCARD.ZIP  188,778   2-17-93  BallCards, #1 Sport Cards Inventory
  12.                                  Program [any kind of Sport]
  13. BKGUIDE.ZIP   271,278   2-17-93  Book Guide, Library Catalog System and
  14.                                  Track your Books and Magazines
  15. BOOKBANK.ZIP  256,676   1-23-93  BookBank, Help you Manage your Book
  16.                                  Collection, Produce report, Print
  17. BOOKMIND.ZIP  127,254   1-23-93  Book Minder for those who have few books
  18.                                  great as a search tool
  19. BOWLSTAT.ZIP  249,033  11-26-91  Bowling Statistics, Handles mixed
  20.                                  Leagues Men or Women's League
  21. BOWL_101.ZIP  260,269   1-23-93  Bowl101, Bowling League Management
  22.                                  Program, Handles up to 36 teams
  23. BROKEEP1.ZIP  350,315   2-17-93  Brother's Keeprer, Designed to Help you
  24.                                  create your first Family Tree 1/4
  25. BROKEEP2.ZIP  350,122   2-17-93  Brother's Keeprer, Designed to Help you
  26.                                  create your first Family Tree 4/4
  27. BROKEEP3.ZIP  350,232   2-17-93  Brother's Keeprer, Designed to Help you
  28.                                  create your first Family Tree 4/4
  29. BROKEEP4.ZIP  353,262   2-17-93  Brother's Keeprer, Designed to Help you
  30.                                  create your first Family Tree 4/4
  31. BTU_230.ZIP   198,449   1-26-93  BTU Analysis, Simplify ProcessOf Heating
  32.                                  Cooling Systems
  33. BUYAHOME.ZIP  130,203   1-26-93  MoneBuying and Refinancing, much more
  34.                                  than just another Amortization program
  35. CAFP_31.ZIP   152,702   1-26-93  Computer Aided Flight Planning to assist
  36.                                  single engine pilots
  37. CARDINV1.ZIP   86,376   1-23-93  For Sports Card Collectors, 3 Level
  38.                                  Software for who collects for fun
  39. CARDINV2.ZIP  129,261   1-23-93  For Sports Card Collectors 2, 3 Level
  40.                                  Software for who collects for fun
  41. CARTRACK.ZIP  107,968   1-23-93  CarTrack, Keep track of you Maintenance
  42.                                  and Gas Costs for your Personal Car
  43. CASH_121.ZIP  136,828   1-23-93  Cash Control, Manage you Checking and/or
  44.                                  Saving Bank Accounts with less pain
  45. CHECK_1.ZIP   310,022   1-23-93  CheckMate Plus, Full-Featured and Easy
  46.                                  Check Book based Accounting 1/2
  47. CHECK_2.ZIP    75,564   1-23-93  CheckMate Plus, Full-Featured and Easy
  48.                                  Check Book based Accounting 2/2
  49. CHEQUEIT.ZIP  324,403   1-23-93  Cheque It Out, Now you will be able to
  50.                                  Manage your money like Financial Wiz
  51. CHEX_31.ZIP   109,696   1-23-93  CheX, Simple and easy to use full Screen
  52.                                  Customizable Check Book Program
  53. CJC_30.ZIP    192,437   1-23-93  CassetteJCard Maker/DataBase, Customized
  54.                                  Database for 'J' Cards
  55. COACH_30.ZIP   66,608   1-23-93  SoftBall Coach, Intended to aid Coaches
  56.                                  in many areas of managing the Team
  57. COLLECT2.ZIP  169,526   1-23-93  Collect! II, Specialty DataBase Program
  58.                                  to Keep Track of what People Collect
  59. COMPUSTH.ZIP   54,547   2-17-93  CompuStitch, Designed to Help you Print
  60.                                  and Design Cross Stitch
  61. CW.ZIP         55,129   2-17-93  CW:The Original Comprehensive Morse Code
  62.                                  Training Program
  63. C_A_R.ZIP     186,622   1-23-93  C.A.R Operation log for your car and
  64.                                  a reminder for Maintenance Prevention
  65. C_A_R_S.ZIP    76,551   1-23-93  C.A.R.S Complete AutoMobile Reporting
  66.                                  System, Keep Track of all Expenses
  67. DARKROOM.ZIP   43,015   1-23-93  Computer DarkRoom Eluminate Calculations
  68.                                  for Exposure time during prointing etc,
  69. DISCTRAK.ZIP  194,751   2-17-93  DiscTrak System, Home Entertainment Data
  70.                                  Base Program for Keeping Track of Items
  71. EANDE.ZIP      79,154   2-17-93  Elecronic and Electrical Formulas Useful
  72.                                  Collection of Basic Formulas
  73. ECDESIGN.ZIP  158,717   1-26-93  Electronic Circuit Designer, Programming
  74.                                  techniques fro designing Curcuits
  75. EDITPCB.ZIP   106,422   1-26-93  EditPCB, Printed Circuit Boards Design
  76.                                  Provide low cost & professional Method
  77. EDITSCH.ZIP   119,291   1-26-93  EditSCH, Schematic Capture Package for
  78.                                  Creaing and distributing Boards
  79. EE_DRWGS.ZIP  225,916   1-26-93  Electrical Engineering Drawings, Simple
  80.                                  Parametric Drawing Program
  81. ELCODES1.ZIP  116,193   4-06-92  ELCodes, DataBase to Contain information
  82.                                  used by engineers 1/2
  83. ELCODES2.ZIP  215,979   4-06-92  ELCodes, DataBase to Contain information
  84.                                  used by engineers 2/2
  85. ELECTRC8.ZIP  116,509   2-17-93  Electrc8, Perform most Common Electrical
  86.                                  Contracting/Engineering Calculations
  87. EXCHQUER.ZIP  112,584   1-23-93  Exchequer, Easy to use Check Writing and
  88.                                  Check Book Management Package
  89. EXLIBRIS.ZIP  183,758   3-08-91  ExLibris, Keep Track of your Books, CD's
  90.                                  Video and Audio Tapes
  91. EXPRESS1.ZIP  173,693   1-23-93  ExpressCheck, Great Program to Help you
  92.                                  Manage your Checking Accounts 1/2
  93. EXPRESS2.ZIP   64,644   1-23-93  ExpressCheck, Great Program to Help you
  94.                                  Manage your Checking Accounts 2/2
  95. EZ_TREE.ZIP   113,220   1-23-93  EZ-Tree, Genealogy Program to keep track
  96.                                  of your Family History Very simple
  97. FISHBYTE.ZIP  227,779   1-26-93  FishByte, Fishing and Loran log Program
  98.                                  designed for Salt Water angler
  99. FORCOIN.ZIP   127,548   1-23-93  For Coin Collectors, 3 level Software
  100.                                  For Both Bobbyist and Serious investor
  101. FORCOMIC.ZIP  132,978   1-23-93  For Comic Book Collectors and Cataloging
  102.                                  system, 3 level software
  103. FPLAN30.ZIP   145,092   1-23-93  FPlan: Retirement Planner System, packed
  104.                                  with easy to use options
  105. GARDEN10.ZIP   59,973   1-26-93  The Garden Guide, Informational DataBase
  106.                                  Program with Vital Information for Gardner
  107. GLFSHOP1.ZIP  205,828   1-23-93  The Golf Shop, For the Golf Course 1/3
  108.                                  Manager maitaining accurate handicaps
  109. GLFSHOP2.ZIP  141,450   1-23-93  The Golf Shop, For the Golf Course 2/3
  110.                                  Manager maitaining accurate handicaps
  111. GLFSHOP3.ZIP  210,376   1-23-93  The Golf Shop, For the Golf Course 3/3
  112.                                  Manager maitaining accurate handicaps
  113. GOLFMSTR.ZIP   69,886   2-17-93  GolfMaster Personal or League Golf Score
  114.                                  Keeping System, Maintain all records
  115. GOLFTRAK.ZIP  128,888   2-17-93  Personal Golf Tracker, Helps Golfer keep
  116.                                  Track of Scores and Performances
  117. HAMBONE.ZIP   157,034   1-23-93  HamBone, Menu Driven tutorial Covers
  118.                                  basic Subjects
  119. HBMS_43.ZIP   205,965   1-23-93  Home Budget Management System, Fast and
  120.                                  Easy system to record Daily Transactions
  121. HBRM_11.ZIP    78,675   1-23-93  Home Basis Record Manager, If you Own
  122.                                  Home or even a Trailor Basis Manager
  123. HHG_106S.ZIP   90,053   1-23-93  HouseHold Goods Inventory Manager Keep
  124.                                  Inventory of all your homes Contents
  125. HOLD_IT.ZIP    89,242   2-17-93  Hold Anything, Extremely Easy to use
  126.                                  program to keep track of about anything
  127. HOMEHELP.ZIP  181,603   1-23-93  Home Helper, Acts as Phone Book, Recipe
  128.                                  Keeper and Audio/Video Organizer
  129. HOME_BUY.ZIP  281,842   2-17-93  Home-BUY or RENT, Save your Money Before
  130.                                  Spending a Fortune, Analysis System
  131. HOME_EO.ZIP   235,247   2-17-93  Home Entertainment Organizer, Organize
  132.                                  all Entertainment Items in you Home
  133. HOME_II.ZIP   174,206   1-23-93  Home Management II, Sophisticated yet
  134.                                  very easy to use Money Management System
  135. INSTRMNT.ZIP   33,035   1-26-93  insturment Flight Simulator, Graphical
  136.                                  Program allows private Pilots Practice
  137. INTROELC.ZIP   89,455   1-26-93  Introduction to Electrnics_Instructional
  138.                                  Presentation of basic Electronics
  139. KWS_11.ZIP    114,450   1-26-93  KWS, KnitWare Sweater Design, assist the
  140.                                  Hand or the Machine Knitter
  141. LANDSCAP.ZIP   95,086   1-26-93  The LandScape Plant Manager, Specialized
  142.                                  Computer Information Management System
  143. LAYO_1.ZIP    322,526   1-26-93  Layo,, CAD type program for Electrical
  144.                                  Circuit Designers 1/3
  145. LAYO_2.ZIP    366,276   1-26-93  Layo,, CAD type program for Electrical
  146.                                  Circuit Designers 2/3
  147. LAYO_3.ZIP    153,267   1-26-93  Layo,, CAD type program for Electrical
  148.                                  Circuit Designers 3/3
  149. LINKAGES.ZIP  127,584   1-23-93  Linkages, Genealogy Program keeps record
  150.                                  in a format that used in Physical Card
  151. LOGBOOK.ZIP    25,869   1-26-93  LogBook, to Track Personal flight hours
  152.                                  for any Pilot
  153. MERLIN.ZIP     98,634   2-17-93  Merlin Hurricane Tracking Tool, Easy to
  154.                                  use Hurricane/Tropical Storm Tracking
  155. MISER_1.ZIP   149,047   1-23-93  Money Mizer, Personal Accounting and
  156.                                  Budgeting Package with OnLine Help 1/3
  157. MISER_2.ZIP   140,300   1-23-93  Money Mizer, Personal Accounting and
  158.                                  Budgeting Package with OnLine Help 2/3
  159. MISER_3.ZIP   129,967   1-23-93  Money Mizer, Personal Accounting and
  160.                                  Budgeting Package with OnLine Help 3/3
  161. MONITOR.ZIP   116,231   1-23-93  Retirement Quick Monitor, Calculates and
  162.                                  display savings necessary for retirement
  163. MUZITRAK.ZIP  140,677   2-17-93  MuziTrak System, CompactDisc Cataloging
  164.                                  DataBase Program, Search even Songs
  165. MYSTUFF.ZIP    47,753   1-23-93  MyStuff, Personal Inventory Paorgram
  166.                                  to Keep Track of all your belongings
  167. NAVIGAT1.ZIP  347,959   1-26-93  Navigate, Very fast Flight Plan Program
  168.                                  up to 11,000+ way Points 1/2
  169. NAVIGAT2.ZIP  205,954   1-26-93  Navigate, Very fast Flight Plan Program
  170.                                  up to 11,000+ way Points 2/2
  171. NORMAN.ZIP    233,655   1-23-93  Norman, for Writers who need fast who
  172.                                  Need to locate References
  173. ORG_HOME.ZIP  306,570   2-17-93  Organize your Home, Specialized Data-
  174.                                  Base for Maintaining Home Inventory
  175. ORG_MEMO.ZIP  269,913   2-17-93  Home Budget Management System, Fast/Easy
  176.                                  Felxible System to record Transactions
  177. ORNAMENT.ZIP  253,521   1-23-93  Ornament Collectors DataBase!
  178. OYPG.ZIP      300,544   2-17-93  Organize your Plants/Garden, DataBase to
  179.                                  Help with recording/Cataloging Plants
  180. PCBUDGET.ZIP  286,864   1-23-93  PC-Budget, a great Home Budgeting Application
  181. PCROUTE.ZIP    90,097   1-26-93  PCRoute, Computer Aided Design program
  182.                                  for Making Circuit Boards
  183. PC_ECAP.ZIP   131,508   1-23-93  PC-ECAP, An easy to use Circuit Analyzer
  184.                                  Analyzes Cricuits consisting resistors
  185. PC_HAM.ZIP    112,805   1-23-93  PC-HAM, Set of Amateur Radio DataBase
  186.                                  for use with PC with Ham Radio Based
  187. PC_PEREN.ZIP   73,382   1-26-93  PC-Peren, Selectoin DataBase to 1300+
  188.                                  FloweringGarden Prennials for any Garden
  189. PHILDT_1.ZIP  348,210   2-17-93  U.S. Philatelist DataBase, Menu Driven
  190.                                  to keep track of all U.S. Stamps 1/2
  191. PHILDT_2.ZIP   77,846   2-17-93  U.S. Philatelist DataBase, Menu Driven
  192.                                  to keep track of all U.S. Stamps 2/2
  193. PILOT_21.ZIP   95,925   1-26-93  Pilot Master, For the flying enthusiast
  194.                                  to help private pilots flight plans
  195. QQSL_15.ZIP   112,418   1-23-93  QQSL, The Ultimate QSL Label Program
  196.                                  for the Ham Radio Operator
  197. REPAIR10.ZIP  178,185   1-23-93  Credit Repair, Knowledge and tools helps
  198.                                  you repairing your Credit
  199. SCOUT_30.ZIP  109,338   1-26-93  Scout, Boy Scout program to be used by
  200.                                  and troop, Record Keeping System
  201. SCRAP_1.ZIP   317,026   1-23-93  Family Scrap Book, easy adn Menu driven
  202.                                  Genealogical DataBase System 1/2
  203. SCRAP_2.ZIP   311,537   1-23-93  Family Scrap Book, easy adn Menu driven
  204.                                  Genealogical DataBase System 2/2
  205. SHOPPER1.ZIP   73,949   1-23-93  Pat's Food Shopper, Complete Shopping
  206.                                  List create and Selecting 1/2
  207. SHOPPER2.ZIP   38,781   1-23-93  Pat's Food Shopper, Complete Shopping
  208.                                  List create and Selecting 2/2
  209. SMARTWED.ZIP  331,600   2-17-93  Smart 'N' Easy Wedding Planner, Painless
  210.                                  way to make your Wedding More Memorable
  211. SNEPP_10.ZIP  311,475   1-23-93  Smart N Easy Party Planner, Ease Tension
  212.                                  of trying to Plan the Perfect Party
  213. SOFFBALL.ZIP  125,772   1-23-93  SoffBalls, SoftBall/BasketBall record-
  214.                                  keeping system
  215. STAMP102.ZIP  133,031   1-23-93  For Stamp Collectors, 3 Level Software
  216.                                  designed for those who collect Stamps
  217. STATPAK.ZIP   146,479   1-23-93  BaseBall StatPak, Coaches and Fans Keep
  218.                                  Track of BaseBall Statistics
  219. STS26.ZIP      90,088   2-17-93  STS26, Real Time and Accelerating track
  220.                                  Space Shuttle and other Objects in Space
  221. STSORBIT.ZIP  285,683   1-23-93  Program STSORBIT, Orbital Tracking and
  222.                                  Display during Space Shuttle Missions
  223. S_MORSE.ZIP    96,432   1-23-93  A very easy to use Morse Code Tutor
  224.                                  with built in tests
  225. TALKBOOK.ZIP  165,859   1-23-93  Talking CheckBook, Complete CheckBook
  226.                                  Can Be used on screen with speech
  227. TAVEL_1.ZIP   270,251   1-23-93  The InterState Traveler, A well Planned
  228.                                  Trip could save more Time and Money 1/2
  229. TCRGUIDE.ZIP   64,796   1-23-93  TCR BaseBall Card Guide, Rapid Search
  230.                                  Price Guide to 1900+ BaseBall Cards
  231. TPOI.ZIP      302,562   2-17-93  Travel Points of Interest, 100+ Points
  232.                                  of Interest to choose from
  233. TRACKER.ZIP   195,051   5-06-92  HouseHold Tracker, Keep Track of your
  234.                                  contents In One database System
  235. TRAKSAT1.ZIP  229,364   1-23-93  TrakSat General Purpose Satellite System
  236.                                  2-Line element set can be Used 1/2
  237. TRAKSAT2.ZIP   99,609   1-23-93  TrakSat General Purpose Satellite System
  238.                                  2-Line element set can be Used 2/2
  239. TRAVEL_2.ZIP  136,905   1-23-93  The InterState Traveler, A well Planned
  240.                                  Trip could save more Time and Money 2/2
  241. TRAX_1.ZIP    126,952   1-23-93  Album Trax, Professional DataBase System
  242.                                  Specifically for Audio Collector 1/2
  243. TRAX_2.ZIP     89,053   1-23-93  Album Trax, Professional DataBase System
  244.                                  Specifically for Audio Collector 2/2
  245. TREE_1.ZIP    161,238   2-10-92  Family Tree Journal, Allows to Create to
  246.                                  Creat Family History Books 1/3
  247. TREE_2.ZIP    153,569   2-09-92  Family Tree Journal, Allows to Create to
  248.                                  Creat Family History Books 2/3
  249. TREE_3.ZIP    122,816   2-09-92  Family Tree Journal, Allows to Create to
  250.                                  Creat Family History Books 3/3
  251. UDECIDE.ZIP    81,503   1-23-93  UDecide, Unique Program to help you with
  252.                                  Decision making
  253. US_DBASE.ZIP  284,610   1-23-93  US Philatelist DataBast, Menu Driven to
  254.                                  Keep Track of all stamps in the U.S
  255. VCATWIN.ZIP   283,093   1-23-93  VideoCat & VCatWin, Fully Featured Video
  256.                                  Cataloging software package
  257. VMSYS_25.ZIP  128,827   1-23-93  VMSYS Plus, Keeps Track of your Car's
  258.                                  Great to Maintain your Car
  259. VPLANNER.ZIP  170,722   1-23-93  Vacation Planner, Help you Plan you
  260.                                  Vacations or Business trips
  261. WILL_KIT.ZIP   29,612   1-23-93  Will Kit, 2 forms Written by Attorney
  262.                                  to help you with your Will
  263. WO_MEN_1.ZIP  241,859   1-26-93  Men on Women/Women on Men, Electronic
  264.                                  Book tells truth about Opposite Sex 1/2
  265. WO_MEN_2.ZIP  299,268   1-26-93  Men on Women/Women on Men, Electronic
  266.                                  Book tells truth about Opposite Sex 2/2
  267. XMASCARD.ZIP   23,926   1-23-93  Christmas Cards, Great program to Create
  268.                                  Christmas Cards on Disk
  269. XMASHELP.ZIP   25,340   1-23-93  Christmas Helper, Cards Mailing List
  270.                                  Keeps Addresses and List
  271. ZIDECAR1.ZIP  276,705   1-23-93  Sound Z/Zide Car,  2 Programs for your
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  273. ZIDECAR2.ZIP  148,720   1-23-93  Sound Z/Zide Car,  2 Programs for your
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